The Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan - RRP) is a national-scope programme, with an implementation period spreading until 2026. It seeks to boost a number of reforms and investments aimed at restoring sustained economic growth in the aftermath of the pandemic, reinforcing the objective of convergence with Europe over the next decade.
The European Council created the Next Generation EU, a tool for mitigating the economic and social impact of the crisis, contributing to ensuring long-term sustainable growth and addressing the challenges of dual climate and digital transition. This instrument contains the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which frames the PRR, an investment plan for all Portuguese people based on three structuring dimensions: Resilience; Climate Transition; Digital transition.
#PRR #NextGenerationEU #NextGenEU #construirofuturo #resiliencia #transicaodigital #transicaoclimatica #somosprr
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