Fundos e Financiamentos | PRR

The Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência - PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan - RRP) is a national-scope programme, with an implementation period spreading until 2026. It seeks to boost a number of reforms and investments aimed at restoring sustained economic growth in the aftermath of the pandemic, reinforcing the objective of convergence with Europe over the next decade.

The European Council created the Next Generation EU, a tool for mitigating the economic and social impact of the crisis, contributing to ensuring long-term sustainable growth and addressing the challenges of dual climate and digital transition. This instrument contains the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which frames the PRR, an investment plan for all Portuguese people based on three structuring dimensions: Resilience; Climate Transition; Digital transition. 

#PRR #NextGenerationEU #NextGenEU #construirofuturo #resiliencia #transicaodigital #transicaoclimatica #somosprr

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Visita de Pedro Dominguinhos destaca impacto dos projetos da AMP no âmbito do PRR
Visita de Pedro Dominguinhos destaca impacto dos projetos da AMP no âmbito do PRR




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Programa de Promoção da Inovação Social Arranca com Workshop de Kick-Off na AMP
Programa de Promoção da Inovação Social Arranca com Workshop de Kick-Off na AMP




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Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas present the work that is being done for the communities




The work that the 35 municipalities from the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto have been undertaking for disadvantaged communities under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP)...
Ministra da Presidência, Mariana Vieira da Silva,  visita projetos apoiados pelo PRR  na Área Metropolitana do Porto
Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, visits projects supported by the RRP in the Porto Metropolitan Area




The Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, visited on January 10, three of the projects that make up the Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities in the Porto Metropolitan...
Ministra da Presidência Mariana Vieira da Silva visita projeto de literacia na Póvoa de Varzim
Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, visits literacy project in Póvoa de Varzim




As part of the "A Closer Government" initiative, the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, paid a visit yesterday, December 6, to the PVPL - Póvoa de Varzim Potencia...
Plano de Ação para as Comunidades Desfavorecidas da Área Metropolitana do Porto
Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities in the Porto Metropolitan Area (in Portuguese)




#PRR #NextGenerationEU #NextGenEU #construirofuturo #resiliencia #transicaodigital #transicaoclimatica #somosprr
Cerimónia de apresentação do 1.º Lote de Projetos | Plano de Ação para as Comunidades Desfavorecidas da Área Metropolitana do Porto
Presentation of the 1st Batch of Action Plan Projects for the Disadvantaged Communities of the Porto Metropolitan Area




On November 18 took place the ceremony for the approval of the first batch of projects that are part of the Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities of the Porto Metropolitan Area...
Publicado o Aviso Convite de Abertura do Concurso Operações Integradas em Comunidades Desfavorecidas na Área Metropolitana do Porto
Call for Applications for Integrated Operations in Disadvantaged Communities in the Porto Metropolitan Area




Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) provides for financial support to Member...
AMP promove ciclo de webinars
AMP organizes a series of webinars




Under the Action Plan for the Disadvantaged Communities of the Porto Metropolitan Area, supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan, next 6 February, at 15:00, will take place the...
Plano de Ação para as Comunidades Desfavorecidas da Área Metropolitana do Porto
Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities in the Porto Metropolitan Area




The Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) will promote, together with its 17 municipalities, an integrated intervention in disadvantaged communities that concentrate several social and economic...

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