
Integrated and Innovative Plans to Fight School Failure - PIICIE
Projeto | Planos Integrados e Inovadores de Combate ao Insucesso Escolar (PIICIE)

Name | Trilhos para a Inovação Educativa na AMP (Paths towards educational innovation in the AMP)

Code | NORTE-08-5266-FSE-000124

Main goal | Invest in education and professional training

Intervention area | North

Beneficiary | Porto Metropolitan Area

Approval | 11-01-2018

Beginning | 01-05-2017

End | 30-04-2020

Total eligible costs |1,058,823.53 EUR

EU financial support | ESF – 900,000.00 EUR

National/regional public financial support | 158,823.53 EUR

Goals |
• To promote the experimentation of educational innovative and entrepreneurial projects

• To follow, monitor and assess the impact of measures/actions taken

• To produce, share and disseminate knowledge and best practices through benchmarking and benchlearning activities

Activities |
• Production of PIICIE’s conceptual and methodologic system of references

• CriAtividade® - Problem Solvers in Action
• WHYSCHOOL – Promotion of mental health in school context
• TRANSFORMERS movement – Superpowers School
• School and Work: Bridges under construction
• Integrated Network of Management, Monitoring and Dissemination of expected/achieved results

Targets |
• Execute 80% of the planned measures



Project desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile